The Battle Against Procrastination: How to Win? 🏆
Issue #51 — How to Conquer the Silent Enemy of Growth. Eisenhower Matrix. Rule to Avoid Procrastination.
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💡 Here are 3-tips to help you learn, grow, and be inspired this week!
🎓 Learn
Procrastination is one of our silent enemies that is working against our goals!
“I don’t feel like doing this right now, so I’ll do it later.”
There are so many habits and tasks that are very important for our growth and goals, but we keep procrastinating them:
It’s time to do a workout, But I don’t have the right motivation today, so I will do it tomorrow.
It’s time to start writing on my blog, But I’m not good at writing, so I’ll join a writing course first and then will start starting.
It’s time to go to class to learn a skill, But learning feels boring, so I should watch this Netflix show instead.
Procrastination is tempting path lined with roses that leads you away from your life goals.
So in today’s issue, I’ll share why we procrastinate and how to beat the procrastination.
Why do we Procrastinate?
Well, there are certainly many forces (internal and external) cause the feeling of procrastination. Here are a few common reasons for procrastination that we all can relate to:
I’ll talk more about a few big ones here:
#1 Instant Gratification: If we are working on a task that offers delayed gratification. In other words, rewards in the distant future, we naturally gravitate to things that offer Instant gratification. Example: Check the Instagram feed instead of working on the presentation.
#2 Fear: When we try to do something that is out of our comfort zone. We feel strong resistance; we are afraid to fail, so this “Fear of Failure” paralyzes our actions.
#3 Motivation: We don’t feel like doing this task right now. We seek motivation. And delay the action until you feel motivated. The motivation equation in our mind is like this: Motivation → Momentum → Movement.
#4 Perfection: We lack self-confidence in our ability to do this task perfectly. So we delay the action convincing ourselves that once we finish a course and read a book on this topic, we will be ready to work on this.
How to Beat the Procrastination?
Here are two methods that I use:
Method #1: Operator vs Manager Mindset
We all play a Manager and Operator mode every day.
When you make plans:
I’ll go to the gym this weekend.
I’ll read a book tomorrow.
That’s you in Manager planning. When you go to the gym or pick up a book and read, that’s your Operator in action.
The Manager is very “ambitious”, but the Operator is “lazy”.
The Manager brain likes to make big plans, resolutions, and promises. While the Operator is always looking for ways to procrastinate.
Therefore, when you are in Manager mode (aka planning mode), your goal should be to make the operator's life easy by eliminating all friction.
When you are in Manager Mode:
Put all your plans, ideas, and tasks on the calendar.
The human brain hates confusion and loves comfort → Add all the supporting documents, links, and outlines for each task in the calendar.
Method #2: 10% Head Start
We got the equation of motivation wrong. The right formula for motivation is Movement → Momentum → Motivation.
So one of the best ways to beat procrastination is through action. So, I plan each hour of my next day, preparing all the necessary details for each task in advance.
Doing this builds positive momentum, avoids confusion and conflicts, and minimizes procrastination. I call this strategy a "10% Head Start."
Key takeaway: Procrastination is much easier to avoid in advance than fighting with it at the moment. Create the right process and environment that removes all the friction for you to go into the deep flow state.
Here are a few additional resources that will help you beat procrastination.
Distractions and Interruptions Are Killing Your Productivity: Here Are 10 Proven Ways to Beat Them 📵
🚀 Grow
The Eisenhower Matrix is a visualization tool that forces you to differentiate between the urgent and the important in order to prioritize and manage your time more effectively.
To summarize the takeaways:
Manage the top-right
Spend most of your time in the top-left
Spend less time in the bottom half
🤩 Inspire
You will still struggle to get started despite all the preparation, awareness, and self-discipline.
Follow this rule:
May the Peaceful Growth be with you! 🪴